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Problem with search result in Google when one searches for our site

Dear all,

We’ve been having a problem with the results that Google shows when one searches for our site directly, i.e. types homeopathytoday.net i .eu directly into the search box. Google comes back with the sites but displays an error in the description under the title of the site. I am able to provide a picture of what is shows, but the error messages are along the lines of :

Warning : array_shift() [function.array-shift] : The argument should be an array in /www/homeopathytoday.net/www/root/config/ecran_securite.php on line 283 ...


Warning : array_shift() [function.array-shift] : The argument should be an array in /www/homeopathytoday.net/addon_domains/homeopathytoday.eu/www/root/ ...

I have tried to resolve this for a long time and I have had some advice from the veterans of SPIP but it seems that Google generates the error message based on something in the files. So, the first time around it was fixed by itself after a while but now it has come back again.

I would appreciate you help any feedback will be valuable to me. Thanks.
