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Menu & Submenu Navigation

Athanasios Matsoukas

Hello everyone from Greece, I’m new to SPIP but I must say that I’m impressed by the way this CMS works. And that’s a conclusion after working with many different and much more advertised CMSs.

I would like to make a loop for the base menu(which means the root section of my site). Every time I change a section a different class must be applied in the root menu item currently viewed.

How can that root menu item hold it’s different style when I’m in 2 sub-sections within the corresponding root section ?!

The problem I confrond so far is the documentation (I don’t speak a word french), so it’s to difficult for me trying all the time to translate, searching for resources, etc. So if there are any detailed resources in english, or detailed loop examples, templates etc, I would much appreciate if you share them.