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Installation, updates

I’m having an SPIP installation related issue and am hoping to find some help.

I have PHP 5.2.3 installed on a Windows 2003 webserver running IIS version 6. Another 2003 box is running MySQL 5.0.45-community-nt. This setup works well for other web apps, such as mediawiki.

As far as the SPIP install goes, I successfully make it through step 3 of the configuration procedure.... it’s during the "Fourth step : Creation of the database tables" that I receive the error message "The operation failed. Go back to the previous page, select another database or create a new one. Verify the information provided by your host." When I view the mySQL database that I specified in steps 1 - 3 of the process, I see 35 shell tables created. I’ve even tried using the mySQL root account during this process, and still get the error.

Any ideas why step 4 of the config is failing ?