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Put Pagination around two loops

Hi all,

I am trying to create a pagination on a two column layout. I have two loops in order to generate the two separate columns and I am willing to put pagination around the two loops so that the next page of articles shows (please see http://www.homeopathytoday.net/spip.php?rubrique8)

The way that the loops work at the moment is that the newest article is at the top left then then next one is at top right, then next one is position 2 on the left, next is position two on the right and so on. I want to limit the articles to 8 maximum in each column and then if I have more then 16 articles in a section, to have pagination for page two to appear.

I know it sounds complicated but I am sure there will be someone out there to know how to handle this slightly more complex layout issue with pagination.

Thanks in advance, I will send the code to you if you need to see the structure.
